Saturday, 28 March 2009

Sin city 2 announced

SIN CITY2- has been annoucned for christmas 2009. I am looking forward to this! Also rodrigues is making conan's girlfriend red sonja's upcoming film which looks good. This is a picture of dwight.

Tuesday, 24 March 2009

Werewolf dolphin love story

Werewolf dolphin love story. It's like twilight only with werwolf dolphins , english people playing english characters , someone actually dyin, and brutal scenes of beastiality.

Tuesday, 17 March 2009


The HORNYest film this year!!!

It turns out unicorns are real and have just been hiding away for no apprent reason, also one dya they decide to kill mankind and start killing all virgin girls who can see them.

Thursday, 12 March 2009

Rise of the NAZI SQUID

This is the first of many of my homage to the early 60's and 70's period of B- movie horrors. In connection to my book , Attack of the 400 naked sleepwalkers every week another poster will be omitted.

This first one Rise of the NAZI SQUID, is about what would happen if someone took hitler's brian and genetically enhanced him so as he'd evolve beyond a human body and into a giant squid, obviously.